The African Economic Forum’s (AEF), Economic Outlook for is a one-day event that focuses on the economic and business outlook for Côte d’Ivoire over the next one year.
The DRC is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 70% of the population living in extreme poverty. The economy has suffered political conflicts over the past two decades. After recording the world’s third-fastest growth in 2014, the economy slowed down, mainly due to rising inflation and a drop in the prices of exported raw materials. The economic outlook is encouraging despite the Russia–Ukraine conflict, with GDP growth in 2022–23 reaching 6.4%, driven by mining and recovery of no extractives. The 2023 elections are forecast to increase public spending and slightly widen the budget deficit from 1.6% in 2022 to 1.5% in 2023. Public debt is projected to be 22.5% in 2023, Inflation should continue a downward trend in 2022, reaching 6.4%, before stabilizing at 6.6% in 2023.
The current account surplus is projected to reach 0.1% in 2023, with foreign exchange reserves at $4.606 billion in 2023, for 3 months of imports.
This meeting will galvanize experts, the AEF board of economists and luminaries to share their candid, bold and new perspectives including predictions for the year with key decision makers including C-Suite executives, high profile business men and entrepreneurs and other interested stake holders with an aim to address the decline in commodity prices, global demand for minerals, unemployment rate and security issues that could undermine the country’s economic outlook.
Join us in an evening of new perspectives and Predictions, touching on key issues that will drive the country’s economic recovery.
Speakers will be given the opportunity to have an open discussion with the chair and invited guests on the topics to be addressed.
The audience are expected to participate in a prediction inspired quiz which is based on the contents of ‘Africa in 2023’ AEF publication.